Hello Lansing Track & Field, It's hard to believe that we are entering what would have been week 11 of the season, IACs week. This is usually a marker in our season; some of our athletes end their season after IACs while others who meet qualifying marks continue into championships. We will continue to send along workout suggestions for the next several weeks, but you'll notice that they are shorter and quicker as they reflect championship training. For our athletes who are moving towards fall preseason training, you can continue with these workouts as you wish or you can begin to work towards slightly higher mileage or skill/technique/drill work as is appropriate for your fall sport. For athletes who are wanting to stay active over the summer and need any help or suggestions with training ideas through the summer months, please feel free to reach out to your coaches; we are happy to help with suggestions. This week looks to include some sunshine and spring-like weather at last -- get outside and enjoy it! Stay well, Coach Becca Notes & Links:
Practices, Meets & Meetings All practices, meets, and meetings for the spring 2020 season have been cancelled. But you still have training options! See the attached workouts or use any of the options we sent in previous weeks (also posted to the blog on website). Keeping in touch
Hello Lansing Track & Field, I hope you're staying warm and catching some bits of sunshine on the cold spring weekend, and I wish a very happy mother's day to all of our program moms! Another week of training suggestions are attached along with a cool opportunity to participate in a summer long virtual run/walk event. As I said in our team meet-up last Wednesday: your coaches and your teammates are just an email/text/phone call way. If you have questions or suggestions or want to catch up or just need someone to talk to: reach out. We are always happy to hear from you. Stay well, Coach Becca Notes & Links:
Practices, Meets & Meetings All practices, meets, and meetings for the spring 2020 season have been cancelled. But you still have training options! See the attached workouts or use any of the options we sent in previous weeks (also posted to the blog on website). Keeping in touch
Dear Lansing Track & Field, As much as we hoped that we could return to practices and meets this season, it is not in the cards. With Governor Cuomo's announcement, it's been made official that students will not be returning to school and that all spring sports in the state are cancelled. We are sad about this news and also know that prioritizing the health of our students, families, and community near and far is essential. It's fantastic that so many of you have continued to be active during this closure. To that end, we will continue to send along workouts weekly. These workouts will follow the trajectory of what would have been our "normal" season. You may choose to follow them or you can go back to some earlier weeks or favorite workouts. Our aim in sending them is to give you workouts for when you want or need one. As we've said all along, maintaining routine and staying active are very important to being mentally and physically well -- always, and especially now. We ask that you continue to keep an eye out for messages from us. We know we cannot gather at this time, but we will be monitoring directives and considering ways to reunite and/or train/compete when possible. To our seniors: a special message of thanks for all that you have given to this program. Your performances have inspired us and your friendships have strengthened us. This strange season that barely started before it ended is just one small part of your story, and we can't wait to watch you take on your next chapters, cheering you on always. Keep in touch, Bobcats, and stay well! Coach Becca & Coach Scheffler Notes & Links:
Practices, Meets & Meetings All practices, meets, and meetings for the spring 2020 season have been cancelled. But you still have training options! See the attached workouts or use any of the options we sent in previous weeks (also posted to the blog on website). Keeping in touch
Dear Lansing T&F,
I will be writing again this weekend for our regularly scheduled Sunday message and once I've had more time to figure out how to articulate all the things I'm thinking and feeling. But before much time passes, I want to formally acknowledge our season's end (official NYSPHSAA press release here). This is a message I had hoped not to write. I'm very sad, though I know that prioritizing the health of our students, teachers, families, and community near and far is essential and right. I'm proud of the work that you have done to continue to be physically and mentally fit and the efforts you've made to remain connected as a team. Had this gone differently and the opportunity to compete was presented, I would, as ever, put my money on our Bobcats to be ready and strong. To our seniors: thank you for all that you've given our program through your track and field career. This is just one part of your story; there's so much to look back on with pride and, most importantly, so many exciting things ahead of you. We will always be cheering you on. This is the end of the 2020 spring season. But as we've said all along, we're still a team and our physical and mental fitness are deserving of our attention, time, and energy always, whether we are in or out of season. Take a moment to be sad, and then go for a walk or run or bike ride. Consider this a moving meditation: with each stride or pedal stroke, give thanks for your health, your strength, your family, your faith, your team, your community. We will be stronger on the other side of this, and we'll continue to get through it together. Stay well, Bobcats. Coach Becca |
November 2023
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